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A happy, cheerful, smiling lady wearing a purple & white patterned, tailored shirt and charcoal fitted dress slacks, seated outdoors at sunset.



The loving, healing, therapeutic energy from communicating with the Divine transforms, enriches, and fills me with everlasting peace.  The benefits of spiritual guidance, whether through Channeling, Tarot, or other means, are immeasurable and unfailing – once you get the hang of it.  That’s where I come in. 

It’s vitally important that we as individuals lift up humankind in safe, kind, loving ways – even if that means revealing unconventional ways to access Love and Light.  

My life’s mission sends me on paths to help others.  What better way to help heal, give hope, and transform others than with my Angels and Tarot.  


Personal FAQ's:

Q.     What separates you from other tarot professionals?  

A.     Surviving one major and several “minor” near-death experiences gave way to a spiritual awakening upon which the pathway I hope to share with others undergoing or who have undergone significant or traumatic life experiences.  

While those experiences dramatically altered my life, I learned that many people privately lived through similar horrors.  I felt compelled to do something that would allow me to share my message of hope and healing to others in similar situations.  I excitedly invested in Biddy Tarot’s online course here:, and along with my Angels, offer spiritual guidance through channeling and tarot.

Q.     You perform tarot readings and oracle card readings, when do you use one type versus the other?  

A.     Sometimes querents (fancy, but authentic, word for individuals who request readings) find tarot decks in general to be too descriptive and daunting at times, depending on the card drawn.  I certainly want everyone to feel comfortable with the images. So, generally, I don’t make that decision – which deck to choose.  Clients can choose to have either a Tarot Card Reading or Angel Oracle Card Reading. From the Angel decks, they can select from any of the eight sets.      

I try to do one spread for myself every day.  The Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck displays such deep, rich earth tones combined with close, visceral images.   My personal favorite.  But, the classic, highly detailed and finely perfected intuitive images of the Rider-Waite deck is easily my other favorite.  And, I have a special appreciation for Pamela Colman’s Smith Commemorative Set imparting to the world the fascinating history of how this most illustrious tarot artist came into the craft and gifted us with her timeless work.

Q.     I see!  That’s a lot of decks – really categories – from which a querent can choose for a specific reading.  

A.     Yes, I wanted to give querents specific guidance on any area of specialized interest.  Being licensed as a Certified Angel Card Reader™ opened my eyes to the myriad enchanting, and artistically creative angel card decks that continue to be produced.   Learn more about Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s CACR training here:

We can never have enough angels on Earth willing to bring more Love and Light into the world.    

Q.     How can a believer, as you are, resolve misgivings about being judged for getting a Tarot reading or Channeling session – yet still maintain their religious beliefs?

A.     Wasn’t easy.  My Angels helped me get to that comfort level though – not worrying about being judged.  When you think about it, we can’t go through life trying to please everybody.  Doesn’t work. And, the irony is that – it was through a few tarot readings where I was told about my Angels.  How they were right there.  How they just wanted me to ask for their guidance – as Angels never impose upon free will except in life-or-death situations.   (thank you Angels!) 

I said “ironic” because they are purely Angelic beings.  Yet, they didn’t judge me.  In fact, it was through Tarot where I received the most accurate divine messages and insight.  THAT’s what I wish for others to experience.  It’s uplifting, awesome, and wondrous.  

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